Seeing more spiders around your home or webs in quiet corners? While most spiders are harmless, species like black widows and wolf spiders—both common in Iowa—can pose real risks to your family and pets with their venomous bites.

These spiders prefer hidden spaces indoors and outdoors. Effective spider pest control keeps your home safe and free from these potential threats.

1. Take Back Your Space

Spiders shouldn’t make you feel uncomfortable in your home. With professional pest control, you can remove them and stop them from taking over areas like basements, garages, and sheds.

2. Avoid Unwelcome Surprises

Even non-venomous spiders can be unsettling when found indoors. Early intervention helps keep your home spider-free, giving you peace of mind.

3. Protect Your Pets

Wolf spiders, though not aggressive, can bite if disturbed. Professional spider control helps protect your pets from bites and other discomforts.